Present Developments in the Design of SWRO Plants

February 3, 2013

Present Developments in the Design of SWRO Plants
Vol 1, No 4 (2012) Present Developments in the Design of SWRO Plants Mohammed Saleh Al.Ansari
Over the past few decades, seawater reverse osmosis has become the most widely used desalination technology in many coastal regions around the world. However, the technology is associated with high-energy consumption and a biofouling phenomenon that occurs in membranes, which represent the two major shortcomings limiting its full implementation worldwide. As such, trends in technological development of the plants focus on reducing energy consumption and fouling potential of the systems. There are many research and development initiatives investigating feasibility and effectiveness of sustainable sources energy, particularly wind and solar power systems to run large- and medium-sized desalination systems. Other research initiatives are investigating possibility and viability of adopting nanotechnology to improve surface characteristics of membranes and consequently, minimize impacts of biological fouling on system performance. The current research will explore development trends in design of reverse osmosis membranes, innovations to enhance the overall design of desalination plants, innovations on energy supply, and innovations to control biofouling.
Keywords: SWRO plants, Reverse osmosis, Current innovations, Future innovations, Sustainable energy-run desalination plants, Nanoparticles

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